Article of February 15, 2018
Article of March 9, 2018
A Supplier Charter is now in force
PCJ Holding is proud to announce the development of a Supplier Charter so that suppliers are involved in the ethical approach we implement on a daily basis.
Certain points are contained in the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010; our suppliers must therefore commit to eliminating forced labor, child labor, etc. from their practices. Direct suppliers must also certify that their products are not the result of forced labor (slavery, human trafficking, etc.), whether in their own company or with their subcontractors.
Another important point of this charter is that our suppliers must also respect the fact that they must not supply us or use counterfeit products for our orders.
Any supplier who does not respect our charter or refuses to apply it will be notified of the end of the commercial collaboration with any commercial entity of our group. Respect for working conditions and the human condition are among the fundamental axes of our policy, and we will be uncompromising on this point.