Get the best modern hardware and software capabilities.
Latest technology for new business scenarios
Comprehensive virtualization capabilities to consolidate servers and reduce consumed resources
Cost-effective storage using Storage Spaces, Storage Tiering, and Data De-duplication
Disaster Recovery, with replication intervals as little as 30 seconds
Access applications remotely while data is kept on the server
Built in cloud backup with Microsoft Azure
Full support for business continuity
Manage costs with active Warranties and availability of parts and services
Improved protection from security threats with latest updates
More powerful servers for faster and more reliable access to informliable access to information
Improved processing and throughput of the server hardware
2x the performance enhancements that help to make the process of live migration (virtual machines) faster, more streamlined, and more efficient
Reduced server footprint for increased efficiency and cost savings
Virtualize on modern hardware for 5x improvements in virtualization host support and 4x improvements in physical memory to optimize available server capacity.
Simplified management
Standards-based management across compute, storage and networking resources
Automation to eliminate manual tasks
Preinstalled for simplicity
Ease of deployment, installation, and set up
Convenient and cost effective
OEM Support