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Surgery Program

Your order will include three audio programs. Surgery Guided Imagery, Surgery Affirmations and a Surgery Subliminal Program. Once ordered, you will be sent three links and three passwords. You can use the links and passwords on any device (phone, lap top, iPad etc.). Just stream the music and close your eyes, and perform the audio program anywhere, anytime.


Bonus! Add the Cancer Guided Imagery Program book to your order for only $7.95, instead of  $14.95. You will be sent a PDF of the book.

The audio programs on this site are based on Steve Murray’s Cancer Guided Imagery book.

You can do one program a day or two programs depending on your available time. The following are examples of using the programs once a day or twice a day over three days. These are just examples and can mix and match them as you discover what works the best for you. But, should use all three. Do the programs as long as your treatment lasts.

One day: Guided Imagery

Second day: Affirmations

Third day: Subliminal


One day: Guided Imagery, Affirmations

Second day: Guided Imagery, Subliminal

Third day: Subliminal, Affirmations

Overview of the programs:

At the beginning of each program is Emmy winner Pat Matthew's calm and soothing voice leads you in a guided relaxation technique to prepare you for the rest of the program.

Surgery Guided Imagery Program

There are ten Surgery Imagery suggestions. Each suggestion segment gives you two minutes to perform your imagery before the next suggestion starts. Just use your own customize imagery with the suggestion. There is no right or wrong with this. Below are two examples of the suggestions in the program.

1. Imagine yourself prepared emotionally for your surgery

2. Imagine yourself prepared mentally for your surgery

Surgery Affirmation Program

There are ten affirmations in the audio program. Each affirmation segment is two minutes long and its affirmation is repeated every six seconds. A person can state the affirmation out loud or silently each time it is stated or just listen to it. Affirmations can be used when person is too tired or does not feel well enough to perform the Guided Imagery or wants a change from guided imagery. Below are two examples of the affirmations in the program.

1. I am prepared emotionally for my surgery

2. I am prepared mentally for my surgery

Surgery Subliminal Program

During the subliminal program all you have to do is relax and listen. Each Subliminal Program has 10 suggestions that are in embedded in the music so only your subconscious mind will be aware of it. Each suggestion is repeated out loud -- once for the conscious mind to wrap itself around, and then repeated subliminally in the music every five seconds to embed into the subconscious mind. This process will embed the suggestions into your subconscious mind where it will do its best to act upon them without any conscious effort on your part. Below are two examples of the suggestions in the program.

1. I am prepared emotionally for my surgery

2. I am prepared mentally for my surgery