About The

Comprehensive Christian Planner

We welcome you to the COMPREHENSIVE CHRISTIAN PLANNER. This is the PLANNER every Christian has been waiting for. It was first developed in 1979 as the Christian Record Book® to become the interactive record keeping, providing strategic journaling and a spiritual tool for the Body of Christ.


To make it easier to hold fast to the confession of your faith and that All Christians worldwide be established in discipline and maturity for the work of the ministry (Ephesians 4:11-12; Luke 10:2; Proverbs 11:30), and since God cannot lie, then it must be true [according to Mark 9:23] that all things are possible to [them] that believe.


According to Worldometer which is a world population clock that tracks world-wide population growth states that there are roughly 7.8 billion people on the planet. Out of 7.8 billion, a whopping 5.4 billion people have not accepted God’s plan of salvation through Jesus Christ. If it is true that God’s spiritual laws are identical the same for everyone just as the laws of physics and the laws of nature are the same for the entire human race, then the law of salvation must be one and the same for everyone on the planet.

Therefore, the mission of 1plus1plus1 Ministries which is the… ministry featuring the Comprehensive Christian Planner, is to teach, mature, and activate the Body of Christ worldwide for the work of the ministry to win souls for Jesus. Proverbs 11:30 states that he/she who wins souls for Jesus is wise.

Who Are We?

While founder and organizer of the Christian Record Book®, Dr. Truman Massey, was attending worship service on a Sunday morning in1979 the idea came forth with images featuring some charts. Later, Dr. Massey began drawing those charts the way that he had seen them, and as he began developing them, more images came to mind. These drawings and charts featured formats that would make it easy for Christians to clearly see the spiritual activities they should be doing on a systematic basis, to help users to organize, monitor, and evaluate their spiritual activities, and to stay steadfast in developing faith and trusting God through their journaling.

In 1992 a second addition was made available with additional features and in 2007, the third addition offered users, once again, a greater set of tools that would enable Churches to seize the opportunity to activate its members into a higher degree of ministry, where they would be enabled and encouraged to engage in soul winning as they go about their daily routine in the marketplace. Thus, the title was changed to COMPREHENSIVE CHRISTIAN PLANNER.

The CCP journal and workbook consists of giving users the ability to record and monitor a host of personal, spiritual, and ministry goals. It features tools to enable you to master just about all your activities in one place; such as Daily Bible Reading along with writing notes, Personal Prayer Requests, Intercessory Prayer Requests, Personal goals and objectives, Inspirations/Ideas/Revelations/ Miracles, Dreams and Visions,Prophecies, Pledges, Tithes & Offerings, Personal Ministry Goals, your personal ministry Individual Data Forms, Monthly Summary Sheets, Annual Summary Sheet, Sermon/Journaling/ Study Notes, and Special Occasions.

The source of finance for 1plus1plus1 Ministries is derived through membership subscriptions, workshops, and donations. So, please feel free to contact us for our assistance to conduct a workshop where we bring over 40 years of experience in reaching the unsaved. The unsaved are in every city, town, and community, and we can teach and activate any congregation to do the same.

As You attend to your daily affairs, keep this in mind while using this planner:

God’s ability to sustain me is FAR GREATER than satan’s ability to destroy me! No one can stop me but myself; God does not want to stop me and satan is not big enough to stop me!